Article 10: Regional Board of Directors Candidacy
Section 1: Qualifying for Support
- The individual(s) requesting both emotional and financial support must be a registered, full-time student in an undergraduate or graduate degree program at Rutgers University – New Brunswick.
- The individual(s) requesting candidacy, must be living in on-campus housing for the entire academic year in which he or she is asking for emotional (and/or) financial support.
- The individual(s) requesting support must have a 2.75 cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale for support from the Rutgers University Residence Hall Association (RHA) and the Scarlet Knights Chapter of the National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH).
- Should they not reach the GPA requirement, they shall be allowed to run for a position on a case by case basis
- The individual(s) requesting support does not have to be a current member of the Rutgers University RHA or the Scarlet Knights Chapter of NRHH to request support for the Regional Board of Directors, however must have experience within either organization.
Section 2: Gathering Support
- The individual(s) requesting support must reach out to the Executive President of Rutgers University RHA and the President of the Scarlet Knights Chapter of NRHH to request time to speak with their respective General Assemblies.
- The individual(s) must give a presentation to the General Assemblies of Rutgers University RHA and the Scarlet Knights Chapter of NRHH and outline what it means to provide emotional and financial support for a candidate on the Regional Board of Directors for each person and term to which they wish to be elected.
- The individual(s) must receive a majority vote by the Rutgers University RHA and the Scarlet Knights Chapter of NRHH on the topic of support to obtain both emotional and financial support from Rutgers University. Both organizations must agree to provide support for a candidate to have emotional and financial support of Rutgers University- New Brunswick.
- Once the General Assemblies of both organizations approve support for the candidate(s), the Executive President of RHA and the President of the Scarlet Knights Chapter of NRHH will be tasked with writing a letter of support on behalf of the organizations.
- If the RBD Member-Elect is granted support from Rutgers University- New Brunswick, the candidate(s) are required to apply for the NACURH Conference as a regular delegate in the process outlined by the current National Communications Coordinator and/or the National Communications Coordinator in Training.
Section 3: Definition of Support
- All individuals bidding for positions on the Regional Board of Directors must seek and receive emotional and financial support from their host institution in order to be eligible to bid for a position.
- Emotional support is defined as being present and aware of the time commitment which the individual(s) is putting into his or her elected position on the Regional Board of Directors as well as providing a network of advisors and leaders to support the elected member of the Regional Board of Directors when necessary.
- Financial support is defined by Rutgers University- New Brunswick as providing monies that cover expenses not incurred by NACURH Inc or the region of CAACURH.
- If running for the CAACURH Regional Board of Directors, this includes a delegate seat for CAACURH Regional Business Conference where the individual(s) will bid for a position on the Regional Board of Directors.
- Should the candidate be elected to a position on the Regional Board of Directors, the elected member will be guaranteed financial support for any conferences and summits involved in positional transition or conference information.
- Transition of the Regional Board of Directors occurs at NACURH Conference, at which the elected members of the Regional Board of Directors act in the capacity of University Delegates until such a time when they are sworn into office. Funding for elected members of the Regional Board of Directors for NACURH Conference comes from the Institution of which they serve as a delegate.
- The individual(s) if elected to the CAACURH Regional Board of Directors will have a spot reserved on the Rutgers University- New Brunswick NACURH Delegation for their upcoming term and outgoing term.
- Should the candidate be elected to a position on the Regional Board of Directors, the elected member will be guaranteed financial support as defined in section 4.
Section 4: Source of Funding for Financial Support
- Financial support for any individual(s) or Member-Elects of the Regional Board of Directors will be covered jointly by Rutgers University RHA and the Scarlet Knights Chapter of NRHH through the organizations combined accounts.
- The funds provided by Rutgers University RHA and the Scarlet Knights Chapter of NRHH are only to be used after the exhaustion of the funds provided by the Region of CAACURH or NACURH Inc or in the case that the region of CAACURH or NACURH Inc will not cover aspects of Travel, Conference Fees, housing costs (if applicable) and/or food during conferences, summits or meetings held by CAACURH.
- For any year which Rutgers University hosts a member of the Regional Board of Directors, one seat for each CAACURH Regional Conference and NACURH Conference will be removed for each member of the Regional Board that Rutgers University hosts. The funding that would be used for this delegate will be retained to offset the additional financial investment that hosting a member of the Regional Board requires.
- Rutgers University RHA and the Scarlet Knights Chapter of NRHH will match the funds, dollar for dollar to the regional budget submitted and approved by April 1st for the following region of CAACURH and NACURH Inc. fiscal year, provided based on the individual’s elected position. This amount caps out at $650.00 regardless of the funds allocated by the region.
- The money provided by Rutgers University RHA and the Scarlet Knights Chapter of NRHH can only be used for the specific reasons outlined below:
- Funds can only be used after all the funds provided by the region are exhausted or to be used for items not covered by the region of CAACURH or NACURH Inc.;
- Funds can only be used to reimburse the cheapest mode of transportation to travel to the various conferences, summits and meetings as outlined within the Rutgers University Residence Life Professional Development Funds;
- Funds can only be used to pay for housing in the event that it is not covered by the region of CAACURH or NACURH Inc.
- If there is an option to have a roommate(s) to cut the cost of the housing, the individual(s) must use this option.
- Funds can only be used to pay for food during the time of Conferences, Summits or Meetings that are not provided by the region of CAACURH or NACURH Inc.;
- All funding for any candidate(s) for Member-Elects of the Regional Board of Directors will be taken from the combined accounts held by the Rutgers University RHA that holds the revenue income collected from the sale and distribution of Care Packages by Rutgers University RHA and The Scarlet Knights Chapter of NRHH.
- The funds from this account cannot be used to cover any non-essential items that are not listed above.
- In order for the candidate(s) for Member- Elects of the Regional Board of Directors to get reimbursed for the funds, all and every receipt must be turned into the Director of Finance if the candidate(s) wish to use the funds provided by the Rutgers University RHA and the Scarlet Knights Chapter of NRHH.
- If any changes are to occur regarding the policy for funding of a RBD member, the RBD member or the RBD Member- Elect is responsible for being aware of these changes.
Section 5: Requirements upon being Granted Support after being Elected to the Regional Board of Directors
- The individual(s) once elected are required to serve as a mentor to the conference delegations during their time in office as directed by the Professional Staff Advisor of Rutgers University RHA and the Scarlet Knights Chapter of NRHH.
- The Individual(s) will work with the representative to the region of CAACURH and NACURH based off their elected position to provide help and support when needed. Below is the breakdown per current CAACURH Regional Board of Directors:
- The Regional Director, and the Coordinating Officer for Leadership Development will work with the National Communications Coordinator of Rutgers University RHA.
- The Associate Director for Administration and Finance will work with the Rutgers University RHA’s Director of Finance
- The Associate Director for NRHH and the Coordinating Officer of Bidding, Recognition and Service will work with the Scarlet Knights Chapter of NRHH.
- The Coordinating Officer of RHA will work with the Rutgers University RHA Executive President.
- The Coordinating Officer for Leadership Development will work with the Rutgers University RHA Director of Leadership.
- The Coordinating Officer of Bidding, Recognition and Service will have the option to work with the National Communications Coordinator, the Executive President of the Rutgers University RHA and the Scarlet Knights Chapter of NRHH on any and all Bid related questions but will not provide a “how to” or any help writing the bid, aside from a letter of support, to avoid a conflict of interest with the Region of CAACURH or NACURH Inc.
- The Coordinating Officer of Marketing and Technology will work with Rutgers University RHA Director of University Relations and the Scarlet Knights Chapter of NRHH Director of External Affairs for all flyers or promotional materials.
- The individual(s) will be required to hold a session for each of the General Assemblies of Rutgers University RHA and the Scarlet Knights Chapter of NRHH about the developments within the region of CAACURH and/or NACURH. If there is more than one person supported by the Rutgers University RHA and the Scarlet Knights Chapter of NRHH, all individuals will be allowed to collaborate for these presentations if they so choose.
- The individual(s) will be required to hold a session during the Fall or Spring Leadership Development Day about a topic of their choosing as long as it relates to their elected position, the region of CAACURH or NACURH Inc as a whole. All individuals will be allowed to collaborate for these presentations if they so choose.
- A total of three (3) presentations must be created and shared between both organizations, Rutgers University RHA and the Scarlet Knights Chapter of NRHH, and can be given at the following:
- Fall or Spring LDD
- General Assemblies
- Approved Events
- August or Winter Training